Trees have to be removed for a variety of reasons. Some trees get old and die, some become diseased; some simply end up as overgrown visual nuisances. At times, trees grow so large that they present a danger to the buildings on a property and some are damaged beyond repair during thunderstorms requiring immediate removal.

Our housing cooperative takes pride in the health of the trees around Cedarwood. When a tree needs to be cut down, we act quickly to ensure the safety of our members and our buildings. After the tree has been completely removed and the stump ground down below the surface of the land, care must be taken to bring the area back up to snuff.
The good news is that there are many exciting landscaping ideas that coop members can choose to do. Below, we explore three of the ways you can restore the beauty of the area where a tree has been removed and improve the curb appeal of your home.

Grass needs ph balanced soil to establish healthy roots and grow. After a tree has been removed, the wood chips and remaining roots can alter the ph of the soil so much that grass simply will not grow.
To get started, prepare the ground by removing as many wood chips as possible. Wood chips take a considerable amount of time to decompose, so removing the majority of them before laying new soil is important.
Then, apply a layer of nitrogen fertilizer, then a layer of top soil, a layer of compost and repeat until the area has been filled to slightly above the level of surrounding land (to account for settling).
Use a hand till to break up and mix together the layers you just placed down. Then, sprinkle grass seed over the top, water thoroughly and cover with a thin layer of hay or straw. Tend to this area by watering regularly and thinking happy thoughts for best results. :)

This is a great way to cover up the newly made hole in the ground after a tree has been removed with bright, vibrant color. Get as creative as you want when designing this new feature. If you get the chance, walk the Cedarwood property to see the variety of ways our Members have done this.
To get started, decide on a circular or angled shape. Choose a "hardscape" edging such as rocks, shaped stones or metal edging. Measure the area and purchase supplies including newspaper, top soil, and compost.
Remove excess wood chips, rocks and grass from the flower bed footprint. Rake the land level and build the edging around the footprint of the flower bed. Then, lay a layer of newspaper on the bottom of the space to prevent weeds but encourage worms entering into your flower bed. Then, evenly pour top soil and compost to fill the bed to the top.
Next, plant flowers such as hostas, merigolds, or purple coneflower. Finally, sit back and enjoy the beautiful new feature you've just added to your yard.

While this option requires both approval from the Cooperative office and quite a bit more cash, it is still a viable option for turning that old tree stump location into a landscaping masterpiece.
You may, however, want to consult with a landscaping company as opposed to doing this one yourself. A job done right the first time, can provide years and years of enjoyment. A job done wrong could results in additional costs, headaches, and unsightly curbside appearance.
Have you ever repaired the land over a previously removed tree? What did you do and how did it work out? Contact us to let us know. We'd love to hear from you!
Interested in becoming a member at Cedarwood Housing Cooperative? Check out our application requirements and visit our office to apply!